Logging in - I'm having trouble logging into my account for SFR

You can log into your account here https://app.schoolfundraising.com.au/users/sign_in with your email address and password.


Forgotten your password?
When logging in, enter your email address and click on ‘Forgotten your password?’, we’ll send you an email with a prompt to reset it.

When creating a new password these are the requirements:
• Must be at least 12 characters long
• Must include at least one number, a lower or upper case letter and a special character (#,$,%,&,@ etc.)
• Must not include your email or name

It is best to exclude commonly used words or previous passwords as you establish your credentials. We also recommend using a combinations of unrecognisable letters, numbers and symbols and to ensure this password be unique to JustGiving eg. "9ByL>jAw[Qfu". 

Not getting our emails? Check your junk or spam folders, if you cannot locate please contact nfp-au@justgiving.com and our team can assist you further.

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