A guide to group Fundraising Pages

A group Fundraising Page, is a single page that lists the names of everyone taking part. These kinds of pages are a good idea if a group of you are all fundraising for the same charity.

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To set up a shared page, just follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your JustGiving account, if you don’t have an account you'll be prompted to set one up
  2. Click on 'Start Fundraising' at the top of the page and search for the cause you want to support
  3. Let us know what you’re doing to raise money. Are you taking part in an organised event (like a 5k), celebrating a personal occasion, raising money in memory of someone or taking on a personal challenge?
  4. If you’re taking part in an organised event, search for and select the right one. If you can’t see the event listed, select ‘Doing your own thing’ at the end of the list of options
  5. Finalise your selection. Tell us if you’re doing an event or challenge in memory of someone. Is the charity contributing to the cost of your fundraising? If you’d like to stay up to date with your charity’s news, as well as our own, make sure the boxes remain ticked
  6. Choose your JustGiving web address – this is the link that the whole group will be sharing with friends and family for them to donate to the page. It's best for your web address to include your team name
  7. Click ‘Create your page’.

You may also want to update the name in the account to reflect your team name. You can do this by logging in, clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of the page and selecting 'Account and preferences'. Editing your name will update the 'Page owner' name shown on your page, as well as the name shown when the page is shared on social media. 

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