How can I unsubscribe from emails?

JustGiving may email you with our newsletter, or with information about pages set up by your friends, or causes you have shown an interest in (if you have opted in). We hope you find these emails interesting and relevant, but if you would like to stop receiving them you can unsubscribe from within your JustGiving account.

Just log into your account and click on your name in the top right hand corner, click on "Account and preferences", then select "Preferences". Switch the toggles in this section to 'Off', to unsubscribe.


You can also update your email preferences for ay Charity Fundraising pages you may have. 

If you unsubscribe from our emails, we will still send you email receipts if you donate through JustGiving, as this is a service email. Service emails will only be sent to you if it is absolutely necessary for us to get in touch.

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