How long will I need to wait before my page is activated?

Most Crowdfunding pages go live straight away, but sometimes we need to carryout additional manual checks on the content of your page, to make sure it meets our Page Guidelines and Terms of Service.

We aim to carryout these manual checks within two working days, however please be aware that it can take longer in certain instances, so we can never guarantee a specific time frame.

During this time, your page will sit in a 'Pending Approval' status - be assured, you can still access the page within your account and edit it while you wait. Click here for more information on editing your page.

If all checks are successful, your page will be approved and activated so you can start sharing and receiving donations - you should receive an automated email notifying you when your page is activated.

In some cases, we unfortunately have to decline a project. Generally, this is because your page should have been a fundraising project instead. We always aim to contact you in these circumstances to clarify why we can't approve your project, and provide tips on what you can do next. 

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