Cryptocurrency Donations on JustGiving

We've partnered with The Giving Block to make it easy to donate on JustGiving using cryptocurrency. This integration allows you to give to charity using various cryptocurrencies directly in JustGiving's Checkout. 

What is Bitcoin and cryptocurrency? 

Imagine cryptocurrency as digital money. As opposed to traditional or “fiat” currency like Pounds, cryptocurrency is a digital currency, which can be used to buy things or donate to charity. One of the most popular examples is Bitcoin.

Instead of using paper bills or coins, it exists only online and is secured by a record-keeping system called “blockchain technology.” The blockchain is like a giant, tamper-proof ledger that keeps track of every transaction using many computers to ensure the integrity of the data.

How do I donate with cryptocurrency?

You can donate using cryptocurrency by selecting the ‘Crypto​’​ tab​ ​on the Checkout, choosing your amount and coin of choice, then following the on-screen instructions to pay from your crypto wallet of choice.

What cryptocurrencies can I donate with?

Cryptocurrency fundraising on JustGiving is powered by The Giving Block, who support this growing list of cryptocurrencies.



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