Editing your Fundraising Page

It's time to make sure your Fundraising Page stands out from the crowd. Think of it as your own personal fundraising blog. The more you make it your own, the more compelled people will feel to donate. 

How to edit your Page

  1. Visit your Fundraising Page (www.justgiving.com/...), click 'Log in' in the top right and enter your log in details. 
  2. Click 'Edit your page' in the top left. 

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Edit your title, target, summary and story

Involve your donors in your fundraising journey. Under the "Edit Page" tab, enter the desired text in each of the relevant sections. Click ‘Save' to preview how each looks. 

Add photos

Those who add a photo to their page tend to raise 14% more.

To do this, scroll down to the ‘Page Cover’ section, then select 'Remove photo' to remove the default photo and add your own one. Choose the photo from your device and add a caption (up to 40 characters). Press ‘Upload photo’ to finish.

If you have problems, you’ll probably need to resize your image. The file size should be no larger than 4MB and the pixel size shouldn't be bigger than 1000 x 563. Here’s some help resizing your image if you need it:

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